A Spectacular Marine Phenomenon

What is the Sardine Run?

The Sardine Run is a remarkable natural event that occurs annually along the rugged coastlines of South Africa. It is a massive migration of sardines (specifically the Southern African pilchard) as they move northward from the cold waters of the Cape to the warmer waters of KwaZulu-Natal.

When and Where Does It Happen?

  • Season: The Sardine Run typically takes place between May and July.
  • Location: The action unfolds along the north-eastern Cape and southern Kwa-Zulu Natal coastlines of South Africa. Our Expeditions are based out of Chinsta

Why Is It So Special?

  1. Bait Balls: Sardines gather in massive schools, forming what is known as a “bait ball.” These bait balls can stretch for kilometers and attract a frenzy of marine predators.
  2. Predator Spectacle: Sharks, dolphins, whales, and seabirds converge to feast on the sardines. It’s a feeding frenzy like no other!
  3. Diving Opportunities: Divers have a unique chance to witness this incredible migration up close. Imagine swimming alongside dolphins and sharks as they hunt the sardines.

Sardine Run Expeditions

SIGN UP & BOOK onto a trip NOW Sardine Run 2025!

*Dates TBC join our waiting list

Email: Info@CapeRADD.com

Get Ready for the Sardine Spectacle!

Whether you’re an experienced diver or a wildlife enthusiast, witnessing the Sardine Run is an awe-inspiring experience. Dive into the heart of this marine phenomenon and be part of nature’s grand spectacle.

Example Itinerary

  • 07H00 – Buffet breakfast
  • 08H00 – Meet on the beach for launch
  • 0800 to 16H00 – Spend the day at sea on the search sardine bait balls, birds, whales, dolphins and shark activity.
  • Lunch packs are provided at sea – dietary restrictions can be accommodated. 
  • 14H00-16H00 – Return to the lodge for warm showers and rest
  • 19H00 – Buffet dinner


  • Airport Transfers from East London
  • Shared accommodation for seven nights on a full-board basis.
  • Five days at sea.
  • One rest day.
  • We supply all equipment rental as needed.
  • Activities on non diving days will be arranged.


  • Flights
  • DAN Insurance / Travel Insurance
  • Alcoholic drinks

Join us for an adventure you’ll never forget!