Hi there, this is Anelia. I shadowed at Cape RADD and Impact Divers on 22 and 23 June. I thoroughly enjoyed my experience and would like to submit a piece of writing that could possibly be added to either websites, as suggested by Mike.
The juxtaposition of the ocean has always pulled me in. Its ability to bring total calmness and peace and almost simultaneously it brings storms and rough tumbles of waves. Through my extra subject, Marine Science, I’ve been blown away by the fascinating way that the ocean is almost literally connected to and supports every ecosystem on earth. This is how I knew without a doubt that I wanted to complete my job shadowing project at The Ocean Hub, where I had access to Cape RADD and Impact Divers. My name is Anelia, I’m 17 years old and I have loved the Ocean ever since I can remember.

After being received with mountains of kindness, I spent 2 days at The Ocean Hub in Simons Town where I learnt a lot about diving, looking after gear, the different courses available and the amazing Em took us for a snorkeling trip. It was my first time snorkeling and I saw four leopard sharks, one of which was pregnant, which was beautiful to experience. We saw lots of starfish, smaller schools of fish and other stunning creatures whose names I cannot remember. The tranquility of the underwater world had me captivated, the way the kelp swayed gently in the pull of the current and the raindrops of this particularly cold day fell softly on the surface of the surprisingly warm water. I felt completely safe and at home, despite the tiny rush of fear I had when Em told us there is an electric stingray in the area.

What specifically drew me to Cape RADD was their take on citizen science. Allowing ordinary people to send in photographs and data to contribute to their current database and research. We received a presentation on this and how and why it works, the fact that citizen science gives anyone the platform to contribute to scientific research and gives them space to be curious and be a part of something bigger. It of course also makes things easier for the actual research team in terms of not having to spend extra time and money on research trips. It also encourages people to be more aware of the ocean and look after this amazing force of which we understand so little about.
Something Impact Divers and Cape RADD get right very well, is the collaboration of a diving and a marine science company, because the benefits of working together like this leads to more efficient research and conservation.
Above all I enjoyed the kindness and compassion shown towards me and two other students from my school. We were welcomed and taken into account all the time and the entire atmosphere of this specific workplace was so ‘chilled’ and enjoyable.
Thank you Mike, Dylan, Morne, other Dillan, Em, Johan, Izzy and Van Zyl.
I hope to come again soon, once I’ve saved up enough, for a SCUBA or freediving course at Impact Divers.